Reporting & Financials

Improve recovery costs and efficiency with our expert analysis.

One of the major benefits of a digital event management system is the ability to quickly and easily access data. For each of our partner districts, Facilitron generates valuable operational and financial data about facility use with a suite of reports, putting it all at your fingertips.

These reports and the data gathered by the system can be used to ensure things like compliance on equitable use (Title IX), and data to prioritize replacement and refurbishment projects. But most of all, it allows facility owners to measure performance of internal and external facility use to set and achieve goals.

Financial Reporting

Joint use of public spaces can be an important source of revenue to offset costs for utilities, maintenance and repair and even capital and administrative costs. But often, there's a lack of understanding with regard to the effectiveness of policies in place to recover those costs. Facilitron's financial reporting allows facility owners access to important metrics and KPIs that reveal details about overall performance.

Sample facility use data screenshot.

Track demand, approval rates and cancellations

Most facility organizations track revenue from approved events, but often have very little understanding of actual demand or the total dollar amount of rental requests. It's important to compare approved reservation metrics versus declined reservations, or the impact of the number and dollar amount of cancellations. Understanding metrics on rental declines, for example, can shed light on potential opportunities for improvements and clarity on whether policies are being consistently applied across campuses. Cancellation metrics can provide an understanding of cancellation policies which may need updating.

Itemized services and equipment

Facilitron provides itemized breakdowns of services such as security, custodial, utilities, and more (services are fully customizable) as well as equipment fees such as tables, chairs, scoreboards, and A/V equipment. View by location or by reservation with the ability to export to a spreadsheet format for use with accounting programs and financial departments. Budget codes are also assignable in the system for more complex tracking.

Policy versus actual

Facilitron serves approved rates to renters/requesters during the request process. If these rates are adjusted up or down during the review process, Facilitron tracks the adjusted amount (actual) with the policy amount (policy) providing insight on policy exceptions that may merit review by administrators.

Improve transparency and understanding

The use of data-driven systems in decision making ensures a new level of understanding and transparency for the community, helping them to understand the liabilities and costs of facility use incurred by tax-payer funded facility owners like school districts.

Operational Data

Investment in and maintenance of facilities is an ongoing necessity, particularly at school districts. Yet while most districts know their facilities are extensively used, few have systems that can provide actual utilization data - particularly for both internal and community use of district facilities. Average life spans for gym floors or turf fields, scoreboards or HVAC units don’t tell the actual story of how much usage facilities sustain. But without access to adequate utilization data, districts have difficulty presenting any case of actual usage.

Utilization data and real-data cost analysis

The Facilitron platform helps organizations automate the tracking of internal and external facility use data. The aggregate number of hours each facility is used provides critical insight for a variety of operational goals. It's also key to creating a real-data cost analysis using operational, program and capital costs along with utilization data to provide an accurate snapshot of the true costs per hour to operate a variety of facility types.

Detailed list of facility users

Facilitron's platform creates an easy-to-reference list of renter organizations, with contact information and an overview of activity with quick links to each reservation in the system.

Financial report screenshot.

Executive Summary

Using live data tracked by the system, Facilitron provides administrators with a comprehensive executive summary report—a high level look at the key performance indicators that drive decision-making within the organization. At the end of each quarter, the account management team will review the executive summary with administrative staff to provide insights and suggest best practices and policy updates based on the data. As a bonus, Facilitron makes it easy to include this information in a presentation by providing quick links to download graphs as PNGs or PDFs for use or placement in presentation documents.

Sample cost analysis screenshot.

Booking KPIs

Aggregating and presenting KPIs graphically can illustrate gaps in performance compared to averages, bringing awareness to other metrics that were previously unknown. For example, "Average Days Pending" is a booking KPI that brings visibility to how quickly decisions are made on rental requests across the organization, inherently asking the question, what should the policy or performance expectation be on how quickly those decisions should be made?

Revenue summaries

Understand the types of organizations that rent from you to dig deeper into your cost recovery metrics as well as compare how your biggest renters are doing compared to one another. It's all here, including comparisons of your top revenue producing organizations and facilities.

Utilization summaries

Prioritize budgets and renovations based on facility use, capacity and other metrics. Understand the relationship between utilization and revenue with your top renter organizations.

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Facilitron has transformed how we handle facility reservations. It gives us tools to better manage our sites and has helped improve communication between our site staff and the community groups wishing to use our facilities.

Nancy Torres Pfeiffer, Assistant Superintendent of Business
Campbell Union High School District, Campbell, California

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Learn why thousands of schools and facility owners have chosen Facilitron for their facility management and event scheduling platform.